fnUpdate in DataTables for Dynamic Data

fnUpdate in DataTables for Dynamic Data

ronnjoeronnjoe Posts: 4Questions: 2Answers: 0


Please help to verify why fnUpdate not working for dynamically generated dataTable. But instead it works fine for static dataTable.

Here is the fiddle for dynamically generated dataTable http://jsfiddle.net/ronnjoe/hMEFp/46/

Here is the fiddle for static dataTable http://jsfiddle.net/ronnjoe/hMEFp/48/



  • AshbjornAshbjorn Posts: 55Questions: 2Answers: 16

    Hi ronnjoe,

    When you are using dynamic (i.e. server-side) data you have to make adjustments to the original data source and reapply that onto the DataTable, like so:

        $('#test').click(function() {
            rowData[1].dep = "Mech"; // Update the value
            DT.fnUpdate(rowData[1],1); // Rebind the specific row

    Hope this helps,

  • ronnjoeronnjoe Posts: 4Questions: 2Answers: 0

    Hi Ashbjorn,

    Thanks for your help and it actually worked out well for me. Your suggestion made me think in another direction and updated the aoData index and appending to the table


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