Datatable header with scroll not work in a modal
Datatable header with scroll not work in a modal
Hello, how are you? I need to put a scrolleable datatable in a modal bootstrap . The problem is that the header is broken . Only solved if I Resize the browser or if I click on the header to re order .
I try to put the same code without the modal and works perfect , apparently is an incompatibility with the modal and scroll . Without scroll works well datatable.
I show how it looks when I open the modal :
And when I click on the header or resize the browser , it manages :
- I use:
- Bootstrap v3.0.0
- DataTables 1.10.7
- TableTools 2.2.4
My code:
"sScrollY": "210px",
"sScrollYInner": "100%",
"sScrollX": "100%",
"sScrollXInner": "100%",
"scrollCollapse": true,
"pageLength": 50,
and HTML:
<table id="rutinasTable" class="display table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
<th>Act. Datos</th>
<th>Antig. Datos</th>
<td>697 hrs</td>
I searched for a long time in the forum and on the web and could not find solution. I hope you can help me.Thank you very much.
You can see the error in this jsfiddle
You have to click on the graphic to open the modal
Try to find something to see how it manages the header
Try clicking the header to re order
help :(