Update cells
Update cells
Hi All,
I am stuck oh so stuck, I successfully created a table and loaded all content using server side processing. Everything was done using the example here: https://datatables.net/examples/data_sources/server_side.html
The script loads 6 columns with data, first column has ID number that correspond to names in a different table. I am stuck on how do i render those ID numbers in to names from another mysql table.
Below is my script, Ive tried rendering with $.ajax but it does not return the variables.
Column 0 contain the ID numbers, I also have scrip that returns only name by id.
var oTable = $('#sorting-advanced').dataTable({
'processing': false,
'serverSide': true,
'ajax': './inc/MainTable.php',
'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers',
'sDom': '<"dataTables_header"lfr>t<"dataTables_footer"ip>',
'aoColumnDefs': [ {
'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [ 6 ]},
'aTargets': [ 6 ],
'mData': '6',
'mRender': function ( data, type, full ) {
return '<a href="#'+data+'" class="button compact icon-gear">Edit</a>';
'aTargets': [ 3 ],
'mData': '3',
'mRender': function ( data, type, full ) {
if ( data === '1') {
return '<td class="align-center"><small class="tag green-bg">YES</small></td>';
} else {
return '<td class="align-center"><small class="tag red-bg">NO</small></td>';
'aTargets': [ 0 ],
'mData': '0',
'mRender': function ( data, type, full ) {
$.get( "./inc/GetTableDetails.php?get=SysName&sid="+data, function( data ) {
return data;
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
The best way to do it would be to load the additional data in the JSON data - i.e. add a join to your server-side processing script to get that data.
Using Ajax in
I would suggest is not a good idea. Firstly you would need to make it synchronous so it can return the required data, and secondly that would make the whole page's rendering unbelievably slow.Allan
Thanks for the reply, the JOIN statment works much better. I guess i just needed to take a break and get some sleep. This morning i noticed i was doing it "ass backwards". I did some more googling and found this gentleman's customized script https://emranulhadi.wordpress.com/2014/06/05/join-and-extra-condition-support-at-datatables-library-ssp-class/
As you mentioned before the way i was doing it it was going to overload the entire system.
Thanks again.
Nice - thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that one before!