Rearranging datatable columns with javascript conditions.

Rearranging datatable columns with javascript conditions.

banasreebanasree Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi I am new to datatable. I am using server side datatable. my problem is I want the few columns to be rearranged based conditions of javascript. below is my code.

<script type="text/javascript">
                              var condition=$("#quarter").text();
                                var table= $('#storageTable').DataTable(
                    {      "bProcessing": true,
                            "bServerSide": true,
                            "sort": "position",
                            "bStateSave": false,
                            "iDisplayLength": 10,
                            "iDisplayStart": 0,
                            "bFilter": false,
                        "sAjaxSource": "getStorageDetails",
                            "aoColumns": [
                                {   "mData": "name"},
                                {   "mRender": function (data,full,type,meta) {
                                        return "<div class='bar'>something</div>";
                                                    { "mData": "q1" },
                                { "mData": "q2" },
                                { "mData": "q3" },
                                { "mData": "q4" },
                        } );

The q1, q2 q3, q4 column should be rearranged depending on the value of the variable "quarter".
I do I do that? Please suggest

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