How to disable sorting of one column during sorting of others?

How to disable sorting of one column during sorting of others?

xawixawxawxawixawxaw Posts: 6Questions: 3Answers: 0

I've tried
columnDefs: [{targets:: 1, orderable: false }
but it only disable the sorting function of the column..

What I needed is even while others are sorting, the first column (which is a list of numbers) will not be sorted with its current row.

Hope you understand the way I describe it.


  • BrovertBrovert Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    @xawixawxaw, I'm also running into this issue. It seems I can't get rid of sorting on my first column header. I have "sortable": false, but the icon and class are still added to the header. Any luck with this?

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