multiselect extension
multiselect extension

I have just published a little extension on GitHub here allowing the multi selection.
It appears that meanwhile a nice extension was published : Select
So I plan to rewrite my lib to use the Select extension.
Now you can select an area and use Ctrl to add a row to the current selection .
During the redesign I will add the Shift support and maybe improve the behavior of the area selection.
If you have any feedback you are very welcome :)
This discussion has been closed.
I think this is superb - thanks for sharing it with us! I've moved it into the announcements forum and look forward to seeing your future enhancements :-)
Here comes a new extension : jquery.dataTables.areaselect. Live demo here
I finaly decided to create a new extension which fully implements the Select extension and keep the multiselection extension as it is, and so, allow selection with older version of dataTables (v1.10.7 and previous)
The selection's visual feedback has been removed and I have made some cleanup.
@allan: if you want I can create a new discussion dedicated to the areaselect extension
Super neat! I really like its integration with Select - that works really well. Thanks for sharing this with us!
I've added a link to your project from the DataTables news feed and home page as I'm sure others will find this really interesting and useful.