How to use regex for multi-value whole-word column search, e.g., A or B?
How to use regex for multi-value whole-word column search, e.g., A or B?
I'm using
along with vbrouchet comment for using ";" to enter multiple search conditions:
.search (this.value.replace(/;/g, '|'), true, false)
That works nicely, I can enter "1;3" in the column search to find all values in the column with "1" or "3". I would like to search for individual integers/whole words (e.g., "1" should not match "12"). I have a regex that works, e.g., to search for 1 I can use \b1\b
If I want to search for "1" or "3": \b1\b|\b3\b1
I've tried various options but can't replace the entered string with the right regex.
I've tried:
$( 'input', this.footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
// build search string using \b1\b
var arr = this.value.split(';');
var pattern = "\b" + arr.join("\b|\b") + "\b"
// .search( this.value.replace(/;/g, '|'), true, false )
.search( this.value = pattern, true, false )
} );
I have a fiddle to play :
I also posted on SO:
This works: