How to capture this form post in Spring Controller POST method?

How to capture this form post in Spring Controller POST method?

wesgibbswesgibbs Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

In Firefox, it's showing that these are the values being passed back to my Spring Controller server Java class:

action: "edit"
data[undefined][deal_name]: "Some deal name"
data[undefined][deal_description]: "Some deal description"
data[undefined][expiration_date]: "2015-08-17+21:19:24.692

This is what I have right now, but it is not matching up for some reason, this method doesn't get executed on the post of the data table record edit:

@RequestMapping(value = "merchant-deals", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void postMerchantUpdates(Model model,
HttpSession session,
@RequestParam("action")String action,
@RequestParam("deal_name")String dealName,
@RequestParam("deal_description")String dealDescription,
@RequestParam("expiration_date")String expirationDate) {

Any help is appreciated, right now after I hit the edit button to do the post, I get a "A system error has occurred ...." message.

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