How to capture this form post in Spring Controller POST method?
How to capture this form post in Spring Controller POST method?
In Firefox, it's showing that these are the values being passed back to my Spring Controller server Java class:
action: "edit"
data[undefined][deal_name]: "Some deal name"
data[undefined][deal_description]: "Some deal description"
data[undefined][expiration_date]: "2015-08-17+21:19:24.692
This is what I have right now, but it is not matching up for some reason, this method doesn't get executed on the post of the data table record edit:
@RequestMapping(value = "merchant-deals", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void postMerchantUpdates(Model model,
HttpSession session,
@RequestParam("action")String action,
@RequestParam("deal_name")String dealName,
@RequestParam("deal_description")String dealDescription,
@RequestParam("expiration_date")String expirationDate) {
Any help is appreciated, right now after I hit the edit button to do the post, I get a "A system error has occurred ...." message.