My Pagination is not working. The Bootstrap works but the records are all dumped into one page.
My Pagination is not working. The Bootstrap works but the records are all dumped into one page.
Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
My Datatable code:
"bPaginate": true,
"bLengthChange": false,
"iDisplayLength" : 5,
"sPaginationType": "simple_numbers",
"bFilter" : false,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": source,
"aoColumns": [{
"mData": "message",
"sTitle": "Message"
"mData": "message_date",
"sTitle": "Message Date"
"mData": "mobile",
"sTitle": "Mobile"
"mData": "status_type",
"sTitle": "Status Type"
"aoColumnDefs" : [
{ "aTargets": [ '_all' ], "bSortable": false }
Here's the output:
As you can see, the bootstrap is working and it SHOULD BE showing 5 rows pero page.
BUT it's not. Help?
This discussion has been closed.
Is the server only returning 5 rows? My guess is not - you need to look at whatever your
script is doing and address the issue there.Allan
The server returns a variable amount of records depending on the number of records returned by the database. The "source" is just a variable that points to a link where the datatables script will get it's data from. AFAIK the iDisplayLength = 5 means that I'm forcing the datatables to only display 5 records per page.
I may be confusing serverside and ajax-source types. I'll look into that.
Derp, I fixed it. I mixed two types of sources. Apologies, am really new to datatables so the concept of Server-side processing confused me till I finally found the document I was looking for:
and compared it to this other document I found:
The entire time I was mixing both server-side and ajax when I aimed to do ajax type.
Good to hear you've got it working now.