How to filter the table and display only those records which satisfy particular condition?

How to filter the table and display only those records which satisfy particular condition?

harpreetharpreet Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited August 2015 in Free community support

I want to implement if (fileType != X), then only display record else move to another.

Following code is already working in present solution and i am bound to update it only.

columnDefs: [ {"width": "30%", targets: 0}, {"width": "30%", targets: 1}, {"width": "30%", targets: 2} ], columns: [ {"data": "fileType"}, {"data": "fileName"}, {"data": "fileDate"} ], aoColumnDefs: [ { "aTargets": [ 1 ], "mData": "fileName", "mRender": function ( data, type, full ) { return '<a href="''">'+full.fileName+'</a>'; } }]

The functionality is that after Ajax calls, JSON data is received and gets populated using datatables.
How can i implement if (fileType != X) in above snippet? Thanks in advance. Sorry tried to format question but unable too.

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