Master Table
Master Table
Hey everyone,
I currently have a master table which contains a list of "child tables" that points to a separate table.
For example
2014-12-10 -> points to a table containing information (first name, last name, address etc etc)
2014-12-11-> points to a different table that contains the same fields (first name, last name address)
2014-12-13 -> so on
and so on
Is there a way to have all of this information within one dataTable.
I would need the ability to use smart search so that I could filter by the date(from master date) or the name from one of the child tables.
Thank you!
To Clarify:
I would like to combine the date from my masterdate table with the information from the child tables.
For example
for example
it would have
2014-12-11 John Smith 220 Hartford Ave
2014-12-11 Jane Smith 221 Hartford Ave
2015-1-11 Juan Smith 223 Hartford Ave -> this entry would be pulled from a different table