Datatables causes conflict in Bootstrap checkbox button groups
Datatables causes conflict in Bootstrap checkbox button groups

This is an odd one, and I am sorry for how little information I have on the topic, I was trying to get more granular but there is a lack of error messages and parsing the datatables files did not aid me in any kind of solution or direction towards a solution.
If you use bootstraps button groups for checkboxes, as documented here in the bootstrap documentation:
the buttons fail to be toggle-able after loading the datatables javascript file. As to why this conflict occurs I cannot say, but eliminating the loading of datatables does indeed return functionality to these buttons.
I has the same problem and, after debuging, I find my problem and, may be, yours.
Verify if you have the bootstrap code included in your datatables.js and also a reference to bootstrap.js in your page and remove one (may be download datatables.js without include bootstrap is better solution).