customize searchbox behavior...
customize searchbox behavior...

I want to customize searchbox behavior
when searching, rows excluded from search must be set with a "display='none'" style
hidden!! not removed from html....because i still want to access (from js) to elements inside excluded row (like checkbox or input etc.)
is possibile?
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Rather than asserting how the library "must" work, you could phrase your request as a question.
You can access the complete data set in a datatables object through the API.
Declare your table:
Access the row data for row 73 (zero based index);
you are right thanks!
but i use datatable lib on a page that already exist!
my intent was to add "live search" capabilities to a pre-existent html table
this table got rows with checkboxes, inputs, selects ... and is inside a form!
form that can be submitted, and the receiving page use request.getparameters("") to get the values....and if elements are removed from html i cannot use this library!
also there are other JS functions that acting on those elements, functions that I cannot directly change for use "dtTable" approach!
sorry man for the misundarstanding but my intent was certainly not "asserting how the library should work", I just wanted to know if I could "customize" the behavior of the search function that way!!! if i can't there's no problem, I'll use something else....
thank you very much!
You are going to need to post some sample code and describe exactly where/when you want to access hidden data. You should be able to do it with the sample I posted. Also, what version are you using?