how to specify dom when upgrading from tabletools to buttons

how to specify dom when upgrading from tabletools to buttons

jrpauleyjrpauley Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

I can't easily provide a link to source as I am behind a corporate firewall, but I have Editor/TableTools 1.10.3 and want to add simple custom button. I have downloaded Buttons and Select (TableTools replacement) but confused how to specify dom now. Before was using Tfrtip with tableTools but if I switch to Brftip my table no longer displays and I can't see my button either. What is the correct way to specify dom so both table and buttons are displayed?

Thanks for any clues


  • factorialfactorial Posts: 12Questions: 3Answers: 1

    For Select, there appears to be no dom option. Instead, you set the select initialization option to an object with the Select options you want (or just true). Doc for Select

    For Buttons, you use "B" in the dom option PLUS you have to use the buttons initialization option. Doc for Buttons

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