Refresh datatable from one modal to another
Refresh datatable from one modal to another
I have a datatable that pulls its data from ajax and is in a dynamically created modal.
When you click on one of the rows a new modal is created that allow you to edit that rows data.
When the update button is pressed I want to update the row, refresh the datatable and close the modal.
Everything works except the datatable refresh.
I have tried varying types of calls for the refresh like:
proposal_table.api().ajax.reload(); as well as others.
Here is the code:
type: "post",
url: "/cfcs/db_items.cfc?method=updateItem",
data: $('#item_form').serialize(),
success: function(result) {
toastr.success("Item has been updated.","Success!",{"positionClass": "toast-top-left"});
error: function(xhr, status, text){
toastr.error(text,"Error!",{"positionClass": "toast-top-left"});