Workaround for no data and TN4?

Workaround for no data and TN4?

JokerDanJokerDan Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited September 2015 in Free community support


Another issue, is when navigating to a page that does not yet have any data in the table; see;
I get the popup warning but am unsure as to how to work around this when there is intentionally no data yet supplied.

The table intentionally has no data in, so what do?

function getInfo($leagueName) { if ($leagueName == "") { header("Location:" . _URL_ . "divisions"); } else { $output = ""; $findDivisionQuery = "SELECT id FROM divisions WHERE name LIKE '%" . $leagueName . "%' AND active = TRUE"; $findDivisionResult = $this->db->query($findDivisionQuery); $foundDivision = $findDivisionResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if ($foundDivision != NULL) { $divisionID = $foundDivision->id; $divInfoFields = ["u.displayname", "u.xbox_gamertag AS xgt", " AS team", "t.badge_url", "utd.wins", "utd.losses", "utd.draws", "utd.goals_for", "utd.goals_against", "utd.points", "SUM(utd.goals_for - utd.goals_against) AS goaldiff"]; $divisionInfoQuery = "SELECT " . Database::setFields($divInfoFields) . "FROM user_to_division utd " . "LEFT JOIN users u ON utd.user_id = " . "LEFT JOIN teams t ON utd.team_id = " . "WHERE utd.division_id = " . $divisionID . " " . "GROUP BY " . "ORDER BY utd.points DESC, goaldiff DESC"; $divisionInfoResult = $this->db->query($divisionInfoQuery); //return $divisionInfoQuery; if (isset($divisionInfoResult)) { $position = 1; while ($infoObj = $divisionInfoResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $badgeUrl = $infoObj->badge_url != NULL ? _URL_ . _IMG_ . $infoObj->badge_url : _URL_ . _IMG_ . "team_badges/placeholder.png"; $gamesPlayed = $infoObj->wins + $infoObj->draws + $infoObj->losses; $output .= "<tr>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . $position . "</td>" . "<td class=\"\">" . (isset($infoObj->xgt) ? $infoObj->xgt : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"\">" . (isset($infoObj->team) ? $infoObj->team : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"palc\"><img class=\"team-badge\"src=\"" . $badgeUrl . "\" /></td>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . $gamesPlayed . "</td>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . (isset($infoObj->wins) ? $infoObj->wins : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . (isset($infoObj->draws) ? $infoObj->draws : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . (isset($infoObj->losses) ? $infoObj->losses : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . (isset($infoObj->points) ? $infoObj->points : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"alc\">" . (isset($infoObj->goaldiff) ? $infoObj->goaldiff : "-") . "</td>" . "<td class=\"alc\"><a class=\"pointer\"><i class=\"fa fa-user fw\"></i></a> : <a class=\"pointer\"><i class=\"fa fa-bar-chart\"></i></a></td>" . "</tr>"; $position += 1; } } else { return "There has been a problem, please refresh the page or contact an administrator."; } if ($output != NULL) { return $output; } else { return "<tr><td colspan=\"5\">No Records Found...</td></tr>"; } } else { header("Location:" . _URL_ . "divisions"); } } }
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