Error with state save in IE at line 6550

Error with state save in IE at line 6550

duckgodduckgod Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2010 in Bug reports
I am getting this error in IE 8 but not Firefox. When I turn off state saving it does not have any issue.
undefined' is null or not an object on line 6550
[code]aoColumnsInit[i].bVisible = oInit.saved_aoColumns[i].bVisible;[/code]

It seems as though I could write my own cookie saving methods but I would prefer to stick with the apis


  • duckgodduckgod Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Just found the thing about trailing commas in IE arrays. $5 punishment for me for not rtfm.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,691Questions: 1Answers: 10,500 Site admin
    I hate that trailing comma thing in IE :-). most frustrating - I can see why the other browsers just "deal" with it. Anyway - good to hear you got it sorted, thanks for letting us know.

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