Table Length changing don`t work with button

Table Length changing don`t work with button

VoffkaVoffka Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited September 2015 in Free community support

When i use DataTables without buttons option, Length changing is displayed.
But after adding Buttons:

        buttons: [
            'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'

this buttons are displayed instead of the Table Length changing.


  • glendersonglenderson Posts: 231Questions: 11Answers: 29

    You need to pass the , dom: parameter in your dataTables initialization.

    , dom: "lBfrtip"

    l = length
    B = buttons
    f = filter (search)
    r = processing
    t = the actual table
    I= table info summary
    p = page control

    You can order the elements however you want.

    I like this setup

    , dom: 'lf<"floatright"B>rtip'

    in css also add
    div.floatright { display:inline, float:right, padding-left:5px; }

  • VoffkaVoffka Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    Very Thanks!

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