Beginner's question about DataTables and date formatting
Beginner's question about DataTables and date formatting

I've just been handed an MVC4 C# project completely without documentation. In all honesty I was not aware of the existence of DataTables before today and only found out about it by accident. I have a list cshtml in my code that is being populated by the code listed below:
My immediate problem is that while this appears to be working and returning all the necessary fields, the date field is displaying like this: /Date(1441339200000)/
According to my co-worker and various on-line references, this is a JSON problem.
So my question is, is this something I can quickly fix in the JavaScript code below, and if so, how?
(So far all my attempts to fix it in the cshtml have failed.)
$(function ()
var oTable = $('#provider-activity-list').dataTable(
sAjaxSource: '@Url.Action("ActivityListAjax")',
fnServerParams: function (aoData) {.
aoData.push({ name: "MyId", value: "@Model.Id" });
fnServerData: function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback)
$.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json)
aoColumns: [
mData: "ActivityDate", bSortable: true
}, etc etc
What version of datatables? That code sample is using legacy syntax (pre-1.10). Check this page for how to use the mRender function (deprecated, but consistent with your syntax) to change how the data is presented.
Get the js library called moment.js. This is a great library for date manipulation.
combining the two, you would get something like this:
to get a date format like "Sep 4th, 3:31:08 pm"
Am I reading this correctly? Still can't get it to work. All I get now are a line of dots.
I should change my aoColumns entry to:
Then create a separate function which is called by the original aoColumns entry?
$(document).ready(function ()
You don't need a separate entry for this column definition, it should replace the existing entry in the aoColumnDefs array.
I don't use that version, so I'm not 100% sure of the syntax, but that looks right. You can test that it is basically right by putting in this to confirm the syntax is right.
If that works, I'd double check that moment is returning a good value. You might need remove that /Date()/ text from around the value.
My apologies for wasting your time. I've found an alternate solution involving formatting the date field in C# using AutoMapper (which I also have to learn...). I simply have no time to pursue this particular method.