Can the "input" plugin for manual entry of page number be made to work with 1.10?
Can the "input" plugin for manual entry of page number be made to work with 1.10?

And if so, how? I have tried using the following syntaxes:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
"paginationType": "input"
} );
} );
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
"pagingType": "input"
} );
} );
and both perform identically:
the page number input field works correctly, but all the other buttons "next" "previous", etc, render as text.
How may this plugin be used with Data Tables 1.10?
This discussion has been closed.
The plugin works fine for me with 1.10.
pagingType: "input",
is correct.
I don't know what behaviour you're expecting when you say "all the other buttons".
The manual is pretty clear:
1.10 is not the issue, but SOMETHING is breaking the plugin. I do NOT see the other buttons, I just see their text, all concatenated together. A screenshot of what I am seeing is available at
This question was based on an incorrect assumption. The problem had nothing to do with DataTables 1.10 vs earlier. Instead, it was basically a stupid programmer problem. Previous version of the page got along just file without the JQuery Datatables stylesheet jquery.dataTables.css. However, that stylesheet is essential for this plugin to render the buttons properly.