CSS integration / download builder files differences
CSS integration / download builder files differences

I am attempting to migrate to the download built cdn file links to a project that currently uses older style datatable cdn links
i previously used the CDN of plug-ins/integration for bootstrap files
this file is greatly different than the bootstrap css file now included in the downloader
link: https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.9/css/dataTables.bootstrap.css
Both files say version 1.10.9 , can you explain the difference between the two?
Yes, the files in the /1.10.9 directory are far more up to date. The files in the
will be removed in future as I have included the styling options in the DataTables core repo rather than having them separate. It was a maintenance nightmare before...!The files in the DataTables distribution should be used in preference to those in the plug-ins.
what will happen to the items like the fontAwesome integration file when the plug-ins folder goes away? That file is currently unrepresented anywhere else
also , the newer bootstrap file does not include the processing style, was that intentional?
The plug-ins will remain, but the Bootstrap, Foundation and jQuery UI integrations are effectively moved out. The FontAwesome integration will remain.
No - I fixed that yesterday :-)