how to use .columnFilter() for date columns search ?

how to use .columnFilter() for date columns search ?

karamkaram Posts: 31Questions: 14Answers: 0

a.)I am using a datatable with "INDIVIDUAL SEARCH" from this link b.) I want to add datepicker "from" to "to" on date columns, I have 2 date columns in my table. c.) the above java script is for text search only , how can I add date-range or datepicker in it ? d.) which .js files I need to add for columnFilter() add on ? please help to use column filter for 2 date columns and other individual search should be as it is.

my code is :

      $(document).ready( function () {                      

    // DataTable               

      var table=  $('#example ).DataTable( {

       "processing": true,
       "deferRender": true,   // to make the search fast
       dom: 'C<"clear">lfrtip',
       colVis: {
           restore: "Restore"
       "ajax": {
           "url": "/example .so",
            "type": "GET"                       

             "columns": [

         { "title": "customer Id", "data": "customerid ", "name": "customerid" },

      {  "title": "customer  Name", "data": "customer name", "name": "customer name" },
                    {  "title": "Maintenance Date", "data": "maintenanceDate", "name": "maintenanceDate"},

                              {  "title": "Added Date", "data": "addedDate", "name": "addedDate"}


   // Setup - add a text input to each footer cell

       var noofcolumn= $('#example thead th').length;

           for(i=0; i<noofcolumn; i++)

           var title = $('#example thead th').eq( i ).text();
           colmn+='<th><input type="text" placeholder="Search '+title+'" /></th>';
           $('#example tfoot').html( colmn );

        // Apply the search
           table.columns().every( function ()
           $('input', this.footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
                   .column( $(this).parent().index()+':visible' )

                   .search( this.value )

           } );


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