Datatable fnDraw is not working if I use modal in action button
Datatable fnDraw is not working if I use modal in action button

On manual Page refresh The modals are working fine. But when reloading the datatable with ajax. The popups stop working. Following are html and ajax script:
IVR Name | Actions |
<?php echo $row['ivrname']?> | " data-toggle="tooltip" title="Remove" class="mb-xs mt-xs mr-xs modal-with-zoom-anim modal-sizes"> |
ajax call:
var request = $.ajax({
url: "<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/admin/manageivrs/removeivr",
type: "POST",
data: "ivrid="+ivrid,
success: function (msg)
var oTable = $('#IVRFilesTable').dataTable();
$("#IVRFilesTable").load(location.href+" #IVRFilesTable>*","");