button-selector by name doesn't work in Buttons - fix included
button-selector by name doesn't work in Buttons - fix included

Buttons v1.0.3 button-selector by name doesn't work. There is a bug in dataTables.buttons.js line 912 that should read:
name: v.conf.name
instead of
name: v.name
Probably the same problem at line 922
This discussion has been closed.
I just stumbled over this problem myself and while trying to find a solution I found this thread. misterTi, I can confirm that this is definitely a bug and your proposed code change solves it for me.
It seems that this bug has not aroused Allan's attention yet. Allan, please fix it. Thanks.
Sorry I missed this at the time. The fix has already been committed and will be in the 1.1.1 release. It is already present in the nightly version.
edit In fact it was @pemistahl who sent the PR with the fix - thanks :-)