Processing message displaying on first table only - weird behavior
Processing message displaying on first table only - weird behavior
I have several tables on my page with a custom language -> processing spinner. When you sort the first table the spinner displays as expected, but if you sort on the second, third, etc. table the spinner displays but in the first table.
Reproduce by going to this page, click on "key retailers" on the left menu, click on "by UPC" in the tabs on the right, sort any column on the first table and you will see the spinner, zoom out (so you can see 2 tables) and sort any column on the second table and the spinner displays on the first table.
Any Ideas? Thanks for any and all help!
The "processing" elements happen to be on top of each other. The sorting of each column is firing the spinner events, but their absolute positions are set to 0 so it only appears that the top table is showing the spinner.
What I did was in the DOM itself on the two tables in question
div class="dataTables_processing" id="key_retailer_upc_table_processing" style="display: none;"
I changed the style to be
style="border:1px solid green; position: relative;"
I gave of the borders a different color for each of the tables on the processing element, then I could see them, but the spinner would not appear.
While it might be a css issue in dataTables itself, if you add "position:relative" inline to those tables on the
div class="table-responsive"> line it should fix that problem. I have not checked if it creates other issues.
I like the appearances of your web pages! But, loading everything into the DOM at startup like you do would drive me away from ever wanting to use it. Each selection of a navigation item in your left panel should load the same
div id="somediv"> with ajax contents specific for that selection. That way a user does not have to wait a long time while all those tables are loaded into the DOM. Then each click of an item within that content should load specific content.
But, I do like the appearances of your web pages! Nice charts, graphs, good layout and presentation.