Bug found in dataTable.button.js
Bug found in dataTable.button.js

I found a bug when trying to export csvHtml5 in dataTables. The strip method crashes on numbers, can you add a check to make sure it's a string first?
var strip = function (str) {
if (typeof str == "string") {
if (config.stripHtml) {
str = str.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
if (config.trim) {
str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (config.trim) {
str = str.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
return str;
This discussion has been closed.
Have you tried using the nightly version? If not, I would suggest trying that as this should be resolved already. If not, then please link to a test case showing the issue.