Processing overlay popup not display when changing amount of shown entries or clicking next/previous
Processing overlay popup not display when changing amount of shown entries or clicking next/previous

Hi everyone,
I just started to try this dataTables library (which seems really amazing), but I encounter one issue.
I want to use the serverSide processing functionality, but I can't get that "processing" popup overlay displayed when I change the current page of when I select a different amount of "shown entries".
Could someone help me with that?
Here is the link to my test page, which is quite minimalist, so I hope I won't get to boring to check my code.
As you can see, when the first display of the page is shown, I have the popup (which displays : "chargement", because I am french :p). But then, it is never shown anymore when I click on another button (next page, previous page, show 50 entries).
As I really want the user to see something is happening, I would like to solve that issue.
Thanks in advance,
it seems the option :
"scrollY": "50vh",
is what causing the problem. When I get rid of it, it works, I can see the "processing" overlay popup on my table when the ajax call to the server is made.