Problem with collection button and the background:false option [with workaround]
Problem with collection button and the background:false option [with workaround]

I ran into a problem setting background:false on button objects. The following demo illustrates the problem and describes the workaround.,css,output
The problem occurs when the visible columns menu is displayed (you clicked the visible columns button) and you click the visible columns button a 2nd time before clicking anywhere else on the page. At this point, the visible columns menu open/closes a few times, and you are not able to use the menu until you click anywhere on the page that is not the visible columns button or the menu itself. This problem affects all collection objects with background:false, not just the colvis button.
A workaround is to set background:true
on the button and add the following css.
.dt-button-background { background:transparent ! important; }
I saw the problem on firefox, chrome and ie.