Datatable is hidding data after resending the request
Datatable is hidding data after resending the request

I am working on jQuery DataTables and it is working fine on first click on Submit button,But when I click on Submit button, it is hiding all the data.
MY code is :
if(typeof table === 'undefined'){
table = $("#financeDataTable").DataTable( {
"initComplete": function(oSettings, json) {
$("#txtFromDateHidden").val( fromDate);
"searching": false,
"retrieve": true,
"destroy": true,
"ajax": "./getReportDetails",
"jQueryUI": true,
"dom": 'Bfr<"H"lf><"datatable-scroll"t><"F"ip>',
"fnServerParams": function ( data ) {
newData.push( { "name": "reportType", "value": reportType }, { "name": "reportSubType", "value": reportSubType}, { "name": "fromDate", "value": fromDate}, { "name": "toDate", "value": toDate}, { "name": "cif", "value": ""}, { "name": "channel", "value": ""}, { "name": "userType", "value": ""});
"columns": [
{ "mData": "1", "sTitle": ""},
{ "mData": "username", "sTitle": "username"},
{ "mData": "transferType", "sTitle": "transferType"},
{ "mData": "fromAccount", "sTitle": "fromAccount"},
{ "mData": "toAccount", "sTitle": "toAccount"},
{ "mData": "amount", "sTitle": "amount"},
{ "mData": "currency", "sTitle": "currency"},
{ "mData": "transferDate", "sTitle": "transferDate"},
{ "mData": "creditDebitFlag", "sTitle": "creditDebitFlag"},
{ "mData": "fromAccountType", "sTitle": "fromAccountType"},
{ "mData": "toAccountType", "sTitle": "toAccountType"},
{ "mData": "impsChannelType", "sTitle": "impsChannelType"},
{ "mData": "impsTranType", "sTitle": "impsTranType"},
{ "mData": "IFSCCode", "sTitle": "IFSCCode"},
{ "mData": "narration", "sTitle": "narration"},
{ "mData": "customerID", "sTitle": "customerID"},
{ "mData": "customerName", "sTitle": "customerName"},
{ "mData": "fromMMID", "sTitle": "fromMMID"},
{ "mData": "fromMobileNo", "sTitle": "fromMobileNo"},
{ "mData": "toMMID", "sTitle": "toMMID"},
{ "mData": "toMobileNo", "sTitle": "toMobileNo"},
{ "mData": "paymentType", "sTitle": "paymentType"},
{ "mData": "transReferenceId", "sTitle": "transReferenceId"},
{ "mData": "transactionStatus", "sTitle": "transactionStatus"}
} );
var settings = {
"initComplete": function(oSettings, json) {
$("#txtFromDateHidden").val( fromDate);
"retrieve": true,
"searching": false,
"destroy": true,
"ajax": "./getReportDetails",
"jQueryUI": true,
"dom": 'Bfr<"H"lf><"datatable-scroll"t><"F"ip>',
"fnServerParams": function ( data ) {
newData.push( { "name": "reportType", "value": reportType }, { "name": "reportSubType", "value": reportSubType}, { "name": "fromDate", "value": fromDate}, { "name": "toDate", "value": toDate}, { "name": "cif", "value": ""}, { "name": "channel", "value": ""}, { "name": "userType", "value": ""});
"columns": [
{ "mData": "1", "sTitle": ""},
{ "mData": "username", "sTitle": "username"},
{ "mData": "transferType", "sTitle": "transferType"},
{ "mData": "fromAccount", "sTitle": "fromAccount"},
{ "mData": "toAccount", "sTitle": "toAccount"},
{ "mData": "amount", "sTitle": "amount"},
{ "mData": "currency", "sTitle": "currency"},
{ "mData": "transferDate", "sTitle": "transferDate"},
{ "mData": "creditDebitFlag", "sTitle": "creditDebitFlag"},
{ "mData": "fromAccountType", "sTitle": "fromAccountType"},
{ "mData": "toAccountType", "sTitle": "toAccountType"},
{ "mData": "impsChannelType", "sTitle": "impsChannelType"},
{ "mData": "impsTranType", "sTitle": "impsTranType"},
{ "mData": "IFSCCode", "sTitle": "IFSCCode"},
{ "mData": "narration", "sTitle": "narration"},
{ "mData": "customerID", "sTitle": "customerID"},
{ "mData": "customerName", "sTitle": "customerName"},
{ "mData": "fromMMID", "sTitle": "fromMMID"},
{ "mData": "fromMobileNo", "sTitle": "fromMobileNo"},
{ "mData": "toMMID", "sTitle": "toMMID"},
{ "mData": "toMobileNo", "sTitle": "toMobileNo"},
{ "mData": "paymentType", "sTitle": "paymentType"},
{ "mData": "transReferenceId", "sTitle": "transReferenceId"},
{ "mData": "transactionStatus", "sTitle": "transactionStatus"}
Please let me know why this is happening or what is the wrong in my code.
Check the screenshots on stackoverflow :
This discussion has been closed.
What is supposed to happen when clicking your "Submit" button?
Please check the stackoverflow link. On the click of submit button, my datatable should be loaded with new data or refresh with old data.
I mean what function is called by your "Submit"?
The given code is inner part of "$('#btnSubmit').click(function(){"
That code isn't shown above. There is no reference to
.Please link to a test case showing the issue, as required in the forum rules. Without a test case we can't offer any help.