How to change id's and class names in length or pagination part of table
How to change id's and class names in length or pagination part of table

I added divs and classes to my table using sDom:
"sDom": 't<"relatedBlocks"<"relBlock3"p><"relBlock1"i><"relBlock2"l>>',
This worked fine. I've also managed to add custom class names to rows of my table.
I need to be able to change the id's and classes of every element in the pagination and length parts of the datatable.
The default has given me a
<div class="dataTables_Length" id="savedCartsTable_length">
<select name="savedCartsTable_length" ...
Some browsers treat name and id as the same, causing problems with one identifier for two elments. How can I customize my id's and class names in the length, info and pagination parts of the table?
Thanks in advance for your help.