Ajax object from RPC service
Ajax object from RPC service

I have created an RPC Service and have called this service with $.getJSON("/getPackageList") with no issues. However when I call this same service via a datatable:
url: "/getPackageList"
dataSrc: "result"
{"data": "lable1"},
{"data": "lable2"},
{"data": "lable3"}
... I get an error "DataTables warning: table id=a_table - [object Object]". The console also provides an error in the GET request:
{"error":{"parameterValue":null,"message":"CWRPC0008E: The parameters in the request do not match the
parameters that are defined for the getPackageList method.","name":"JSONRPCError","parameterIndex":null
I have removed the validators from my web service. I have also loaded the url directly in my broswer, copied and pasted the Json data in a file and when calling the file directly within the Datatable: "url: "/myfile.json" my datatable loads fine.
I am not sending parameters with my request. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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What , exactly, is the structure of the data returned from the RPC call?
Thanks ThomD. Here is the structure of the data returned by the RPC call.
You have spelled the word "label" two different ways.
ok ... that was just my bad typing on my part.... however I have double checked and this is not the issue. Somehow the ajax call from the datatable sends in a parameter and the getJSON call does not. Here is the "actual" code:
//getJSON works!
$.getJSON("/jospat/RPCAdapter/httprpc/TestObjService/getTestObjList", function( data ) {
For the getJSON call the Console displays:
NO Params tab and Response Tab has...
For the Datatable call the Console displays
A Params tab with this value: "_ 1443576286438"
Resonse Tab with this error:
{"error":{"parameterValue":null,"message":"CWRPC0008E: The parameters in the request do not match the
parameters that are defined for the getTestObjList method.","name":"JSONRPCError","parameterIndex":null
When I copy and paste the response from the getJSON call into a file and call the file instead of the url it works.
//Datatable THIS WORKS!
$('#ospat_data').DataTable( {
ajax: {
url: "data/result.json",
dataSrc: "result",
File: data/result.json has:
OK, 'm with you now. Check out this for debugging what DataTables thinks is happening.
I don't use DT's ajax call. I use $getJSON because I'm more comfortable with it. As part of the success of that call I initialize my dataTables object. I have a small data set, so I just load it all and do "everything" client side.
The only reference I can find in the documentation about params is under serverSide processing. If true, DT will add paging and control parameters.
Thanks ThomD. I did a "work-around" where I am also using the $getJSON call instead of the DTs ajax call as you mentioned you do. Thanks for you feedback and replies.