DataTable 1.10.0 With Fixed Column 3.0.0 - could not retrieve the state of custom / dyna JS checkbox
DataTable 1.10.0 With Fixed Column 3.0.0 - could not retrieve the state of custom / dyna JS checkbox

Hello Allan, thanks for this amazing tool. This really helps peopleeeee !
I have been using data Table 1.9.4 & Fixed Column 2.0.3 for nearly 2 years now and i recently landed up in a cosmetic issue of misalignment of header cell with the body cell due to vertical scroll - that right padding in "dataTables_scrollHeadInner" is the culprit i guess so... i read one of your post where you asked to get the newer version of DataTable. i did so and amazingly things looked better with misalignment.
Getting the latest version now introduced another issue where i am not able to retrieve the state of the checkbox - true/false based on the click event. There is nothing fancy . . i just have a dynamically created DOM (multiple columns with checkbox column rendered on client side)which i plug into DataTable to leverage the functionality provided with this tool. yes it is that simple.
if i do something like - - - > document.getElementById("someid").checked - - -> always results in false. This used to work before i switched to latest version of Datatable & Fixed Column.
Is there any special way of retrieving the state of checkbox when used with Datatable ? :)
I would love to use 1.9.4 again if you can help me fix the cosmetic misalignment.
Thanks again for amazing tool !