how to append a tr to thead removing from tbody if it exists in aaData
how to append a tr to thead removing from tbody if it exists in aaData

hi, I am getting aaData from server side, it may have a row having certain condition [let's call the row 'X']. how do I check if the row 'X' exists in aaData and remove it from tbody and append it thead? the table has pagination [12 record per page] and sorting features. if row 'X' exists, it is the 1st row, but if any sorting is active active, then the row may be shown on 2nd or 3rd page depending on sorting. in this case, when the first page is showing, the row is out of reach of fnRowCallback and fnDrawCallback. But I need to append the row to thead at very first time removing from tbody if it exists in aaData.