Scroller & Responsive
Scroller & Responsive

We have single page application and use Datatables+Scroller+Responsive combination.
The problem is with those tables that are initialized but not displayed in the time when window resize event occurs (for example in hidden tab).
Those tables are redrawn even though had no dimensions.
We think you should add a check clause and skip redrawing hidden tables.
And skip updating Scroller info bar information on hidden tables. So we will probably avoid getting "Showing NaN to 5 of 5 entries" error.
Please let me know if there is better place to register this bug/improvement. Thanks
Thanks for posting this. If the table is hidden, the information (Showing NaN...) should also be hidden - is it not?
The problem with doing as you suggest is that it can actually be useful to have a table rendered in the background. Using Scroller with such a table is obviously not so useful, but adding a check into DataTables core that wouldn't seem to be the correct fix. Possibly setting a default row height for Scroller if there is no row height that can be computed would be better.