Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined -

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined -

erwin16erwin16 Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1

This error is raised after the ajax callback and the table displays correctly ... raised by

                                   // Got the data - add it to the table          
                for ( i=0 ; i<aData.length ; i++ ) {
                    _fnAddData( settings, aData[i] );

I guess that something is wrong with the data returned from ajax json request, even if the table is correctly filled ..
js code

      $.getJSON(ajaxUrl, function(data){ 

        console.log(JSON.stringify(data.columns, null, 2));
        console.log(JSON.stringify(data.rows, null, 2));

        var table = $('#companies').DataTable( {
            language: { url: langUrl },
            ajax: ajaxUrl,
            dataSrc: 'rows',
            info: false,
            select: true,
            columnDefs: [ { targets: [ 1 ], visible: false, searchable: false }],
            data: data.rows,
            columns: [
                  {className: 'details-control', orderable: false, data: null, defaultContent: ''},
                  { title: data.columns[0], data: "id" },
                  { title: data.columns[1], data: "name" },
                  { title: data.columns[2], data: "position" },
                  { title: data.columns[5], data: "office" },
                  { title: data.columns[3], data: "salary" }
            order: [[2, 'asc']]
          } );

json data rendered as json from a Ruby server :

       @columns = [ "id", "name" , "position" , "salary" , "start_date" , "office", "extn" ]
       @rows = [
             id: 1,
             name: "Tiger Nixon",
             position: "System Architect",
             salary: "$320,800",
             start_date: "2011/04/25",
             office: "Edinburgh",
             extn: "5421"
             id: 2,
             name: "Garrett Winters",
             position: "Accountant",
             salary: "$170,750",
             start_date: "2011/07/25",
             office: "Tokyo",
             extn: "8422"
             id: 3,
             name: "Donna Snider",
             position: "Customer Support",
             salary: "$112,000",
             start_date: "2011/01/25",
             office: "New York",
             extn: "4226"

       @data = { columns: @columns, rows: @rows }.with_indifferent_access
               render json: @data

checking console on ajax callback

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data.columns, null, 2));


    console.log(JSON.stringify(data.rows, null, 2));
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Tiger Nixon",
        "position": "System Architect",
        "salary": "$320,800",
        "start_date": "2011/04/25",
        "office": "Edinburgh",
        "extn": "5421"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Garrett Winters",
        "position": "Accountant",
        "salary": "$170,750",
        "start_date": "2011/07/25",
        "office": "Tokyo",
        "extn": "8422"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Donna Snider",
        "position": "Customer Support",
        "salary": "$112,000",
        "start_date": "2011/01/25",
        "office": "New York",
        "extn": "4226"

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • erwin16erwin16 Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1

    wrong copy/paste !!

    in my table init , I still have :

         ajax: ajaxUrl,

    from a previous script ... so it's sending a wrong second ajax request which is raising the error ... my fault !!!!

  • ThomDThomD Posts: 334Questions: 11Answers: 43

    When I was chasing that error, my problem was an extra comma at the end of an object declaration. I don't see one in your copy paste, but I'd double check your source code.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,068Questions: 1Answers: 10,563 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    dataSrc: 'rows',

    ajax.dataSrc should be nested inside the ajax object. See the examples at the bottom of the ajax.dataSrc page.

    One thing, defining both data and ajax seems a little redundant to me. That would cause the Javascript added data to be immediately replaced by the Ajax sourced data.


  • erwin16erwin16 Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1

    yes Allan you are right .. the ajax option is what messed up my code ( I forgot to remove it after a copy/paste from a previous script )
    the data option is also redundant ...

  • erwin16erwin16 Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1

    Thanks Thom , I'll better check my copy / paste ...

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