multi filter select search columns
multi filter select search columns

Really new to using Data Tables, but they are awesome so I took on a pretty big project to use them, but I'm having some issues and a bit of confusion as how to initialize the form using the javascript from the example.
I would like to use multi filter select. from
I'm using a page created using Generator and Editor.
debug code: okaceq
I disabled the session check on the page so you can see it.
What's the question? I didn't see anything in the page source to show that you were implementing the multi select like in the example you linked to.
BTW, I only saw one record on the linked page.
Hi ThomD,
Thanks for the interest in my problem
The question is:
How do I implement the multi filter select on a form generated from using Generator and Editor?
The form is working as it should, but i want add the multi filter select functionality and im having trouble implementing it.
This is a very new project and the DB is not loaded with a lot of data. I'm still trying to work up the functionality.
Any advice or guidance is appreciated.
All the best.