Export to excel not working on datatables.net page example
Export to excel not working on datatables.net page example

im thinking if its only on my computer but, the export to excel is not working in ie11 and firefox
the link https://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/examples/html5/simple.html
i tryied to create a personal datatable but off course i get same error
error: xlsx comes black, with no data at all
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Odd - I don't have any problems with the xlsx file from IE11 and Firefox from that page.
Can anyone else confirm if this is an issue for them?
ok, im using ibm's notebook (modified ibm's windows 7)
i will open that page in linux (virtualbox) and after that i comeback here ok
(very nice, you responded so quick, congrats allan)
@riceirolve - are you missing JSZip?
yes, the problem is local
even the firefox here is a modified version
sorry about the incovenience bro
system and firefox version http://imgur.com/a/5GQGx
no missing JSZip, i have it all
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/r/dt/jq-2.1.4,jszip-2.5.0,pdfmake-0.1.18,dt-1.10.9,af-2.0.0,b-1.0.3,b-colvis-1.0.3,b-flash-1.0.3,b-html5-1.0.3,b-print-1.0.3,cr-1.2.0,fc-3.1.0,fh-3.0.0,kt-2.0.0,r-1.0.7,rr-1.0.0,sc-1.3.0,se-1.0.1/datatables.min.css"/>
the problem is my modified version of windows and firefox (probably ie is modified too)
thanks guys
i used virtual box and export worked in both ie and firefox =D
Thanks for posting back. Good to hear it is working on other systems.
i, im back again, but now with a nice test case
microsoft have a official viritual machine to test browsers (ie6,7,8,9,10,11) and i downloaded win7(32) with ie 11 aaaaaannndd didnt work again =/
please go to https://dev.modern.ie/tools/vms/windows/ download and test it because didnt work even in last firefox and chrome on that vm
and im pretty sure that is a very clean windows and browsers
maybe a problem with 32 bits? i dont know...
tested on:
Windows 7 32bits (virtualbox vm),
Open office 4.1.1,
Firefox 41.0.1,
Chrome 45.0.2454.101 m,
Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17420,
xlsx comes blank, with no data
I've just downloaded the VM. Open it up, run IE and download Libre Office. Then open my Buttons examples and download the Excel file. It opens correctly in Libre Office.
good way amazing