Date range filter, filters another day of the month?
Date range filter, filters another day of the month?

How can I stop filtering the same day of the month, for example, if i have september 13 in min and september 15 in max, if in october it has days in 13 and 15, it is also included in the result? i am using this sample and also adjust this to dates, how should i do it to avoid october days result?
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So which of those plug-ins are you using for date-range?
i used range_dates and fail also range_filtering also fail
range_dates should work. Did you set it up correctly? It would be best if you provide a link to a page showing the problem.
my date format is 2015-08-19 YYYY-MM-DD like that, i am using morris js so the format is that, the filtering is ok, but the months with same date is also showing in data tables, anyway, im trying to filter only one column, is that possible?
you can use my yadcf range_date filter type, it works jQueryUI datepicker (datepicker) and Bootstrap datepicker (eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker). See showcase and