Counts are off for my grid X of Y but the total is correct
Counts are off for my grid X of Y but the total is correct

I have something like "Showing 1 to 29 of 219 entries" show for my grid that has srolling save state. Actually here is my table code, after JSON call returns data. What have found is that the X of Y is counting the actual number of lines in the grid, so if a cell has a wrap to force two lines the count reflects both. Is there some option to turn that off, or make a custom want to render. The feature is very handy to have.
$('#tblEntrants').dataTable({ paging: true, "bAutoWidth": false, "sScrollY": "600", "sScrollX": "1100", dom: "frtiS", "processing": true, "data": data, "columns": [ { "data": "EntrantID", className: "default", "defaultContent": "" }, { "data": "Modify_By" }, { "data": "Status" }, { "data": "ReceivedDate" }, { "data": "PCNum" }, { "data": "ClassCode" }, { "data": "OwnerName" }, { "data": "POCName" }, { "data": "Year"}, { "data": "Make" }, { "data": "Model" }, { "data": "DisplayName" } ], scrollY: "600", scrollCollapse: true, stateSave: true, "columnDefs": [{ "targets": 0, "data": "EntrantID", "render": function (data, type, full, meta) { //some custom stuff here } }]
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So no one has ever seen this problem before? Hoping to get some help here.
Touching to see if someone might have some answers for me on this.