Error loading data
Error loading data

Hello, i took example from link :
created files as tab Javascript, name inivar.js in folder /js
created files as tab HTML, name datatable.html in root folder
create files as tab css, name editor.dataTables.min.css in folder css/extensions/Editor
create files as tab ServerScript, name staff.php in folder /php
create files as tab Ajax load, name carica.js in folder /js
inserted in HEAD :
viewing the page datatables.html you only see the titles of the table, what is wrong ?
Thank you
Ital Pascal
I don't see where you are referencing jQuery.js.
yes, I forgot to put it in the post but this file contains start.js in folder /js
Is there a Javascript table on the page? Have a look at the console in your browser and I expect there will be a JS error shown.
It is, is this error :
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement carica.js:2:8
I do not understand what to look for this error
So what is carica.js? It's not a DataTables script.
I created the file as a tab-Load Ajax with the name carica.js
See link :
i took example from link :
Seeing no specific I named the file carica.js and added to /js
My procedure ( first post ) and correct ?
I don't understand what you're trying to do. You seem to be introducing your own errors. Why don't you simply copy the example exactly and work from there?
maybe i did not understand . as he said to create files that are in the tabs (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Server Script, Ajax Load)
Only in Ajax and Server Load Script read that reads files and staff.php DataTables.php, other files created with custom name. I would like to understand where I'm wrong.
ps: I would like to use the data table in my joomla (contacts)
excuse my English translated by google
ps: sei italiano ?
The information in the tabs are summary only - they are not a complex example that can be just copy and pasted. If you want the complete example I would suggest downloading the Editor package which will include the examples for your to experiment with.
If you still run into issues, please give us a link to the page so we can debug the issue (without guessing :-) ).