[1.9.3] 0 rows in table
[1.9.3] 0 rows in table

Simply put: I have this table with 5 columns and 4 rows, one for headers, 3 for data. Some cells are empty. The (generated) HTML mostly validates; the part that does not is not under my control. No JS warnings or error related to DataTables sees the 5 columns, but not the rows. Here's the debug info:
I'm sorry I can't provide more info, but the site is private and even if I posted the source in live.dt.net, you couldn't get the sourced scripts anyways. I just hope I'm using an official release (weird that that info does not seem to be in the debug page).
What is your data source?
DOM, data is put in the table by PHP, server side rendering.
Also: tested in Firefox and Chrome, both last versions.
Ah, I found the version:
DataTables 1.9.3 Up-to-date
I don't get it, here it works :(
Here's all the info in the JS console:
TypeError: k is undefined <-- jquery.dataTables.min.js:127:401
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. <-- jquery.min.js:3:0
Empty string passed to getElementById(). <-- jquery.min.js:2:0
So why not use the one that works? I don't understand what you want.
It was just a matter of a wrong parameter ("sPaginationType": "full-numbers", which yes, I shamelessly copypasta'ed from another source in the same project). I just wish DataTables didn't stopped working silently because a typo in a property's value.
Thanks for the time.
It didn't - there was an error on the console :-). Using the non-min version of DataTables would make the error easier to trace. However, I take your point - a thrown error would be nicer there!