How to use oTable.makeEditable() in Data Table version 1.10.9
How to use oTable.makeEditable() in Data Table version 1.10.9

oTable.makeEditable({ "columns" : [ null, null, null, null, { indicator : "Saving Answer...", tooltip : "Double click to update the Answer", type : "textarea", submit : 'Reply For the Post', data : " ", sUpdateURL : function(value,settings) { $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : '' + this.parentNode.lastChild.innerHTML, data : {answer:value}, complete : function(data) { oTable.draw(); alert("Answer Replied Successfully"); } }); return value; }, }, null, null, null, null, null ] });
This discussion has been closed.
MakeEditable is thirdparty software and not supported in the forum. In fact, as far as I am aware it has been abandoned by its author, but if you are having problems with it, you should ask in their issue list.
Thanks for your kind response Allan.
and please help me to solve one issue, which is i'm facing, from the following link