Server-side processing in XS Engine (SAP HANA)
Server-side processing in XS Engine (SAP HANA)

Hello colleagues,
I'd just like to share with you a small library I developed to provide Server-Side Processing when using XS Engine, a built-in web server for SAP HANA platform. This is shared in a GitHub repository.
For those who is not familiar with this platform, HANA is an in-memory SQL database developed by SAP, which contains different services included. The XS Engine is a web server developed for small web applications whose development is made with JavaScript (similiar but not equal to NodeJS - however, they intend to bring NodejS to HANA soon).
As one of the main goals of HANA is to deal with a large size of data with great performance, applying DataTables with Server-Side Processing is crucial to leverage the user-experience while dealing with lots of data.
During the development of this library, I was able to play with a table of about 1 billion rows with very small delay during their read operations.
The repository is this:
There're some examples there of how to develop XSJS services using it.
Hope this is useful for someone. If any bug is found, please let me know.
Hi Andre,
Very nice! Thanks for sharing this with us. I'd not heard of XS Engine before but I'll take a look now - it looks interesting!
1 billion rows - awesome!
I've added your library to the news links on the DataTables home page. One small point - you might was to consider adding a license to your code so people know how and where they can use it.