Get the current order on the row-reorder event
Get the current order on the row-reorder event

I've a table with ~20 rows and ~10 columns (including a column with unique identifier). I need to get the current order of all rows after the row-reorder event. e.g.
This is my table at the beginning.
ID Name Value Comment
1 tet 12 justify
2 wus 00 happy
3 mor 25 glorify
Then I reorder (drag and drop) the ID 3 on the first position.
ID Name Value Comment
3 mor 25 glorify
1 tet 12 justify
2 wus 00 happy
and I would like to get 3,1,2 in the console output after I dropped the ID 3 in the first poisition. So of course I need to listen on the row-reorder event. I've tried it with myTable.columns(0).data().eq(0) on the row-reorder event:
myTable.on( 'row-reorder', function ( e, details, edit ) {
console.log(myTable.columns(0).data().eq( 0 ));
And this does indeed return the order if I swap to rows next to each other, but it does not return the correct order if I drag and drop the third row on the first position (so not two rows next to each other). I don't know why, though.
But if I call myTable.columns(0).data().eq(0) manually in the chrome-dev-console after my row-reorder, it does return the correct order (3,1,2). You can try it yourself with the code snippet above.
What am I doing wrong?
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Im not 100% sure what you mean by that. If you made an instance on, that would help a lot, or if I could see the website youre working with.
If the problem you're running into, is you arent seeing the correct order every time the
fires, then I had that problem too actually. Now I dont know why, im sure theres a reason, but it looked as if the event was firing off before the elements in the dom were 100% "settled".. Not sure how to say that. Its as if it fires when you let go of the mouse, but before the rows are actually put in their correct positions.I had a hidden input that needed to have the correct order that the row was in, and updated whenever the rows were re-ordered. so this was my solution...
I can't get it to work on, but here's a jsFiddle:
And I want it to print the actual order after the reorder.
Don't worry about the code, it's a bit messy. The reorder-event is at line 90.
Did you look at what I stated above? About how I did it?
Yes, I can't get it to work with your code snippet, though we are facing the same problem.
Edit: Got it. You da real MVP! Thanks.
Oh nice, haha, glad I could help! :)
Told you though, its weird, have to wait just a split second, or else the DOM elements arent in place.
I first thought that I can't wait 10 seconds, I need the current order directly after reordering. But hey, it was just 10 milliseconds and it works flawlessly! Thanks for that, I'm not used to Javascript :)
Try 1 millisecond... i think thatll work too actually
Im sure theres a better way to do it, using datatables api to loop thru the data, but this works for now atleast.