Download builder doenst show jQuery 1.x

Download builder doenst show jQuery 1.x

riceirolvericeirolve Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 1
edited October 2015 in Free community support

Download builder always show jQuery 2.x even when you select jQuery 1.x and local files (when you download come the right one)

just reporting a bug


  • allanallan Posts: 62,316Questions: 1Answers: 10,226 Site admin

    Thanks for brining this up. However, I'm afraid I've not been able to reproduce the error. I go to the download page and click the jQuery 1.x option and then select "local files" and download them. It shows that jQuery 1.11.3 is downloaded.

    Could you give me the actions I've to take to make this error occur?


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