Individual column search boxes confilcting with colvis
Individual column search boxes confilcting with colvis

I have more than 70 columns and I am using ajax to load data so instead to writing <th> for all I use a for loop but when iam making columns invisible by using colvis the search boxes are not going invisible .
code is here ..
var noofcolumn= $('#example thead th').length;
for(i=0; i<noofcolumn; i++)
var title = $('#example thead th').eq( i ).text();
colmn+='<th><input type="text" placeholder="Search" /></th>';
$('#example tfoot').html( colmn );
// Apply the search
table.columns().every( function ()
$('input', this.footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
.column( $(this).parent().index()+':visible' )
.search( this.value )
} );
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