How To Load JSON Data from Web Service in Ajax Url Property Datatables

How To Load JSON Data from Web Service in Ajax Url Property Datatables

arnoldgultomarnoldgultom Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have problem when I try to load JSON Data from web service in ajax url. So far, I code this:
<script type="text/javascript"> $('#kategoriTable').dataTable({ ajax: { url : "<? php echo 'http://localhost:90/kugi_deployment/api/json/reply/KategoriRetrieve'; ?>", dataSrc : function(json) { console.log(json); return json.Kategoris } }, //data : testData.Kategoris, columns: [ { data: "KodeKategori"}, { data: "Nama"}, { data: "Definisi"}, { data: "UnsurAbstrak"}, { data: "Alias"}, { data: "SumberDefinisi"}, { data: "Tanggal"}, { data: "TipeTanggal"}, { data: "Edisi"}, { data: "Role"}, { data: "OtherCitationDetail"}, { data: "NamaKatalog"}, { data: "NamaOrganisasi"} ] }); </script>

I got nothing to show in my data table. I think the problem is the URL property on AJAX. How can I fix this? Can anyone help me? Thanks

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