Help with column widths please
Help with column widths please

Hi All,
I've got a 6 column table (first column is not visible) where two of the columns contain a variable amount of text - as much as 3 or 4 or 5 paragraphs. The other 3 columns contain a username or shortened url. I've got width set to 35% for the two text columns and 10% for the other three. The table is configured for fixedColumns.
The problem - the widths aren't even close to what I asked for and I don't know why?
Here are the options I used when initializing the table - browser console output.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
PS. I moved the invisible column from the first to the last position and that helped. The 'Document' column is much bigger, even bigger than I want. The 'Note' column is too small. The others are fine.
Object {pageLength: 20, fixedColumns: true, columnDefs: Array[6], aoColumnDefs: Array[6], iDisplayLength: 20}
aoColumnDefs: Array[6]
columnDefs: Array[6]
0: Object
sTitle: "Tags"
sWidth: "10%"
targets: 0
title: "Tags"
width: "10%"
1: Object
sTitle: "Document"
sWidth: "35%"
targets: 1
title: "Document"
width: "35%"
2: Object
sTitle: "Note"
sWidth: "35%"
targets: 2
title: "Note"
width: "35%"
3: Object
sTitle: "Url"
sWidth: "10%"
targets: 3
title: "Url"
width: "10%"
4: Object
sTitle: "User"
sWidth: "10%"
targets: 4
title: "User"
width: "10%"
5: Object
bVisible: false
sTitle: "Id"
targets: 5
title: "Id"
visible: false
length: 6
fixedColumns: true
iDisplayLength: 20
pageLength: 20
Can you give a link to the page showing the issue please? Column widths are really tricky - the browser can overrule the sizes you give is it thinks it is the correct thing to do - so we really need a test case to understand why it is doing that in this particular case.
Hi Allan,
You can find an example here: Example
Enter this value ** into the 'Enter URL' input field. That should demonstrate the issue.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Rick,
It actually looks quite good to me - the Note column is 349px wide (including the padding and border) while the table is 1081px - so the Note column is 32.2% of the table width. Not perfect, but close.
Part of the reason that it isn't perfect is that the User column can't fit into the assigned 10% (the string
is forcing the width) so the browser is compensating for that.Allan
Hi Allan,
Thanks for looking at this. I notice the column widths are wildly variable depending on the query. Plug this value into the URL input field: and see what happens.
In this case the Document column is much wider BUT... that's because there is no data in the Note column. I agree with you - it's not bad. I've been arguing with the column widths all day and they seem pretty persuasive. Moving the invisible column from the first to last position made a big difference.
Thanks for your help!!
Interestingly the URL input you suggest appears to render quite well for me as well. Chrome 46 Mac.
What browser are you using?
Yeah, I'm using Chrome 46 Mac too.
Interestingly, I've just tried it on a different machine (Chrome 43 Mac) and I absolutely see the issue. Not immediately sure what would cause that I'm afraid...!
And with Chrome 46 Mac after updating on this machine... I'll try to look into it in the next few days.
Thank you Allan - I appreciate it.