yadcf - Why no events? I'd like to run some JS after it loads
yadcf - Why no events? I'd like to run some JS after it loads

I have a wide datatable, and the filter text boxes look terrible on narrow rows, so I'd like to hide the clear button and add a listener to show the clear button and widen the input on focus.
I am only able to add a class to the input so I need some JS to hide the clear button, but there is not event to add my JS to.
$('.hide_x_after').siblings('button').css('display', 'none');
Any advice?
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@daniel_r would be the guy to talk to, he created YADCF, its not a DataTables supported plugin.
I agree though, When I try to use the
setting, it really screws with the display, Heres the screenshot.What I wanted to do, is use the Bootstrap style to group the inputs, like so, but I couldn't find a way to do this.
The HTML to accomplish something like that would be..
so I was trying to find a way to do that with jQuery, ill let ya know what I come up with.
@pejrich - Check this out
The bug in running into now, is I have it setup so the X button will show up on focus, and hide on blur, but when you go to click on the X button, that would qualify as a "blur", thus it hides the button... hmmmm
Heres the Related CSS (Exclusing Bootstrap CSS)
And the jQuery
I managed to get mine working, but I used the DataTables 'draw' event
See if that works
Oh so you hide the button on each draw event? Did you use the rest of what ibpasted above?
Not sure if the draw event is the best idea, i meanbit draws as you type, so if it disappears, how can you click it
I actually decided to hide the button with css.
.hide_x_after + button {display:none;}
Then I add my JS listeners to the input on the draw eventyadcf is listening to the datatables draw event , so you could really listen to it too, or you can try the init event too , let me know if there is still an issue related to the yadcf