Fixed Column table And Actual table are not matching. Alignment problem.
Fixed Column table And Actual table are not matching. Alignment problem.

Fixed Column table And Actual table are not matching. Alignment problem.
The fixed column also contains button events which shows pop up. When clicked on button, the pop up gets inherited into main table.
Applied folowing classes.
info is a ID For Edit Event Control on Fixed column.
overflow: visible !important;
overflow-y: visible !important;
z-index:999999 ! important;
This discussion has been closed.
Please link to to a test case showing the issue as per the forum rules.
I want to post actual problem facing in Screenshot. How to post screenshot here on forum?
A screenshot won't be much help here. I know what misaligned columns look like, and the screenshot would not tell me why they are misaligned - only that they are. I would need a link to the page to be able to offer any help.